Creating an Affinity Loop

Creating an affinity loop image

Affinity = A spontaneous or natural liking for someone or something

Affinity emerges most frequently in the company of good friends, when you are at ease—when you are your truest, most authentic self. With good friends, there are knowing glances, spontaneous outbursts of laughter and heartfelt confessions. We are often in the midst of a busy time, revealing our greatest challenges alongside our wildest dreams. Time escapes us, and we leave the conversation feeling lighter and energized because it has been freeing to have been authentic. In revealing our truest selves, we have bonded, and there is a constant exchange loop.

In partnering with businesses, we find that the same applies. You want to have authentic moments of engagement, gain loyalty and build valuable long-term relationships. You want to be liked by your customers, but more importantly, have a straight shot of affinity coming at you. Feeding algorithms with false branding and the newest trends without pinpointing the authentic nature of your brand can end in dissonance. Somewhere along the way, you lose your customers, even if you have secured the most sought-after influencers.

Stopping to think about what is key in building genuine moments of affinity and friendship for the brand is critical. Treat your customers the way you would treat a good friend. Let them like you for all that you are. Be interested in them. Maintain a genuine curiosity for what they like and what triggers their motivations.

Authentic branding and good storytelling end up with gains in true engagement, connection, loyalty and ultimately profit.